Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Brother & Sister in Christ

It is always uplifting to see the fruits of time and friendship come forth, in the form of baptisms - lives dedicated to Christ! Here I will tell about two recent baptisms in our church, the fruit of time and friendship invested principally by Sascha & Jennifer Terry.

The girl on the right is Daniela Brasiliense. She was one of our Portuguese teachers when I moved here nearly six years ago. She has been our friend and has attended some of our church meetings off and on, seeking, searching, questioning...Recently, the Terrys began meeting on a weeknight with Daniela and Luzia, from our house church. All three of these families have toddlers, which gives them a great common link. A few weeks ago, Daniela decided she wanted to be baptized! Praise God for her faith and pray for her husband, Alexandre, that he will soon make the same decision!

The guy on the left is Tiago Beck, studying with Paulo Renato. He became our friend in 2005 through the Let's Start Talking classes. Since then he has been involved in our men's ministry, and he and his girlfriend Lily have been attending the group that meets in the Terrys' house on Sundays. Tiago is a real gaucho - he is from the countryside, a town called Santiago. He grew up on a farm and knows all about how to work with horses and ranching. Sascha and Tiago have become really good friends over the last year or so. Tuesday night, Tiago made an important decision for his life - he decided to be baptized! He will be leaving in June to spend 6 months in Australia, working and learning English. Praise God for Tiago's faith and pray for perseverance in his walk with the Lord!

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