Sunday, May 4, 2008

Labor Day for the Lord

May 1st is Labor Day here in Brazil, a holiday, a day recognized internationally as one celebrating worker's rights and voices being heard. This May 1st, we held an important event for our church family: Labor Day for the Lord. It was a community forum-style meeting event, open to any of our members who wished to make their voices heard and listen to each other's voices. The people in this photo shared the blessings they've experienced in house churches over the past 15 months of this new work, and also shared their concerns, frustrations, and challengers with this transition. We all realized that we have a lot of work to do, a lot of improvement to make in how we communciate amongst each other and organize the work of God's church! What is exciting is that the leadership is changing and will change from this day forward. One step closing to becoming a more organic, dynamic church, utilizing all of the gifts with which God has blessed us! We will have a follow-up meeting on May 22 to outline practical solutions to our challenges. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers!

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