Monday, March 23, 2009

And They're Off!

This is our new house church, right out of the starting gate! Felipe, on the left, has been one of my best friends here for many years. He was the first one who came to me and said, "I will be at your house every week!" Raquel, to Waleska's left, is a good friend of hers and attended our previous house church for the past two years; she was excited to continue with us and focus on evangelism. Cesar, on the right, was baptized last year and attended the Terrys' house church before they moved to the U.S. He works downtown most Sunday mornings, so our hosting this group in the evening is perfect for him to participate. We will tell you more about each one of these special people in the coming weeks.
We started studying the Gospel of Matthew together as our launching point for group discussion, and we plan to share a meal or snack together most Sundays. We are thankful for these three who have begun with us and are eager to see the Lord add more seekers to our group!

1 comment:

Sascha Terry said...

What a great group! Cesar wrote me and told me he was participating in this new house church. I am very excited to hear about who the Lord touches as you continue to move forward - reaching out to the lost of POA. God bless you!