Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cool Pics of Us Two

Waleska doin' some stylin' and profilin' on the hills and in the fields near Camaquã, the town where my in-laws live, 1 1/2 hours from Porto Alegre.
This was taken in Camaquã in the middle of the tobacco fields outside of town. It's a very pretty scene at day's end, as you can see here...
Another successful race! Last Sunday Waleska & I ran in a marathon relay (groups form teams of 2, 4 or 8 runners and run the marathon distance in relay format). I ran my 10k and then helped Waleska run her 5k. She is becoming a real athlete! And the best part of the race is the cool shirts we get!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I know where all the tobacco farms have gone!!!!

Hope you saw where the Lady Bison volleyball team won the Atlantic Sun Tournament this week. They get to go to the big NCAA tournament next week. They are celebrities!

Hope you guys are great!