Monday, August 6, 2007

2nd Couples Meeting

On Saturday night, we had our second couples meeting involving various couples in our extended church family (our first couples meeting was back in May). Waleska and Branda, another woman in our house church, are in charge of organizing this ministry. The goal is to get couples together for an evening of experiencing biblical principles that will strengthen our marriages and families. Our guest facilitators were Rui & Nadia Diogo, missionaries at the Church of Christ in Viamão, a suburb of Porto Alegre. The meeting took place at the home of Regis and Conceição, one of the families in our house church. We watched a movie called "A Vow to Cherish" that portrayed the theme of fidelity in marriage through difficult times. After the film was over, we discussed its message and application points for our lives, then stayed till around midnight munching on finger foods and enjoying good 'ol Christian fellowship. We had nine couples in attendance. All in all, it was a very encouraging night for everyone - simple, thought-provoking, low-cost, and fun!

Waleska is doing a great job in helping to organize this ministry. Her goal is to get to the point where we have these meetings once a month, so our members can anticipate them and invite their friends who are not yet Christians to get involved. Keep this ministry in your prayers as we seek to invest in strengthening our marriages and families!

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