It was a pretty tight fit, being in a bathtub and all.! We did the baptism at our friends Mark and Ju's house, they are missionaries working in the east zone of Porto Alegre. Thanks for the props guys!
Our nephew Cassiano was happy to see his mom being baptized! He kept commenting, "You're too big to be baptized - only little people can do that!"
This is the crew that was involved in our marathon week of study and prayer. On the far left is Raquel B., and on the far right is Sabrina; both are friends of Patricia's that I mentioned earlier. Moving inward from left is Raquel G. and from right is Clarice; they participate in our house church network and were instrumental in conversing and praying with these girls during our week. And front and center, Waleska and Patricia.
That's a happy family! Praise God for Patricia's decision, and continue to pray for her as she strives to follow Jesus as her Lord! Also, pray for Raquel B. as she rededicates her life to Jesus, and for Sabrina as she desires to study the Bible more!